We are a community of professionals united by our passion for sales and marketing.
We, the professionals in sales and marketing, are the ones that show the way for new products and services, connect
customers with companies, and keep our finger on the pulse of changing consumer needs.
Together with our 20 000 members and partners, we make the voice of sales and marketing professionals heard in
society. MMA was established in the early 1890s as the union for traveling sales representatives and has since developed through the years to become the modern union for both sales and marketing professionals in Finland it is today.
Our operations are divided into 23 regional associations. As our member, you automatically belong to the association in your area which means you also benefit from the regional association’s exclusive benefits. We are also a part of Akava,
the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland.
The supreme decision-making power in our organization is exercised by the MMA union assembly and the board.
The chairman of the board, Marko Hovinmäki, is also the chairman of our organization.
The 20-person team at the MMA office in Pasila, Helsinki makes sure that our organization’s wheels keep on turning and that our members always receive help.